Santiago Fernández is one of the leading Spanish-language liturgical composers in the Church today. With more than 30 years of parish experience, he travels nationally and internationally offering concerts and speaking on Hispanic ministry.
- Aclamen al Señor, Tierra Entera
- Aleluya, Aleluya
- Alimento y Salvación
- Blessed Are They Who Hope in the Lord
- Camino, Verdad y Vida
- Caminos de Esperanza
- Con Tu Gracia
- Corona de Santidad
- Cristo Es el Señor
- Cómo Te Quiero, Oh Señor/O How I Love You, Lord
- Den Gracias al Señor
- El Guardián de Israel
- En Marcha, Caminando Juntos
- Esperaba en el Señor
- Espero en Ti, Señor
- Felices
- Formadores de la Sociedad
- Hoy Señor, Te Doy Gracias
- Junto a Mí
- Llamados al Encuentro
- Mi Luz y Mi Salvación
- No Hay Dicho ni Palabras
- Oh Dios, Crea en Mí un Corazón Puro
- Oh Puertas
- Para Amar como Tú
- Piedad de Mí
- Proclama Mi Alma
- Reciban Su Alma
- Rejoice in the Lord / Alégrense Todos
- Sal y Luz
- Salgamos a Llevar el Evangelio
- Sediento Estoy
- Send Us, O God/Envíanos al Mundo
- Señor, AquÍ Estoy
- Señor, Quiero Servirte
- Señor, Te Alabo
- Si Dios No Construye la Casa
- The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor
- This Is the Wood/Mirad la Cruz
- Todo Lo Sabes
- Toma Mi Pecado
- Un Canto Nuevo
- Unidos
- Vamos a la Casa
- Ven y Sígueme
- Vivir Así
- Voice Infusing Life/Voz Que Infunde Vida
- We Venerate Your Cross/Tu Cruz Adoramos
- Ya Te Espero
- Your Ways, O Lord, Are Love and Truth to Those Who Keep Your Covenant
- ¡A la Muerte Derrotó!
- ¿Me Amas Más Que Estos?
Santiago Fernández has been active in parish ministry for more than 30 years. He holds a bachelor's degree in music from Wayne State University in Detroit and is certified in both Pastoral Ministry and Liturgical Ministry, locally by the Archdiocese of Detroit and nationally by the USCCB's Commission on Certification and Accreditation. A member of the National Advisory Council to the USCCB from 2000 to 2004 and Liturgy & Prayer coordinator for the First National Encuentro for Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry 2006, Santiago is currently music director for the National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry (NCCHM).
Through OCP, Santiago has released three solo albums: Ven y Sígueme in 2006, Un Canto Nuevo in 2010 and Salgamos a Llevar el Evangelio in 2015. He has also collaborated with other talented OCP artists including Pedro Rubalcava (Everyone’s Invited) and Jesse Manibusan on the 2012 album Unidos. Dozens of his Spanish songs have also been included in various OCP collections, including, most recently, Bendito, Bendito, a compilation album with songs for adoration; Entre Tus Manos, a healing and comfort collection and most recently, in El Señor Nos Invita Volume 3.
Santiago is author of the bilingual book Un Hermoso Intercambio Cultural/A Beautiful Cultural Exchange, offering ideas, reflections and suggestions to open doors and broaden horizons within the multicultural integration of pastoral work in the United States.
A talented musician and speaker, Santiago is actively involved in regional and national Hispanic ministry. He is an excellent choice for workshops on music ministry and concerts. He has also participated at various events of the Archdiocese of Detroit as guest conductor, cantor and consultant. Santiago also participated in several concerts, catechetical sites and events during World Youth Day Panama 2019.
Currently Santiago serves as music and worship director at Church of the Holy Family, in Novi, Michigan.
Find Santiago's "¿Me Amas Más Que Estos?" in the Spanish-language children's resource El Señor Nos Invita, Vol. 3.