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O Lord, I Am Not Worthy

El canto O Lord, I Am Not Worthy no está disponible en sí mismo. Se encuentra en las colecciones abajo.

Encontrar O Lord, I Am Not Worthy en:




O Lord, I am not worthy

That thou should’st come to me;

But speak the word of comfort,

My spirit healed shall be.


And humbly I’ll receive thee,

The Bridegroom of my soul,

No more by sin to grieve thee

Or fly thy sweet control.


Eternal Holy Spirit,

Unworthy though I be,

Prepare me to receive him

And trust the Word to me.


Increase my faith, dear Jesus,

In thy real presence here,

And make me feel most deeply

That thou to me art near.

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Liturgical: Devociones Adoración del Santísimo
Ritual: Exposición Eucarística
Scripture: Mateo 8
Topical: Fe