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Lourdes Montgomery

Lourdes Montgomery

Lourdes Montgomery is one of the most gifted composers of bilingual (Spanish-English) psalms in the church today. Born in Havana, Cuba, she has two solo collections and many years of experience as a parish music director.


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Lourdes Montgomery is one of the most gifted composers of bilingual (Spanish-English) psalms in the church today. Since 2005, she has been serving as music director of St. Vincent's Catholic Church in Rogers, Arkansas, where she serves at bilingual, English and Spanish Masses. She lives with her husband, Michael Montgomery, a classical double bass teacher, composer and musician whose talent may be heard in her CD collections.

Born in Havana, Cuba, Lourdes came to the U.S. at the age of five. She studied classical and jazz piano at Miami-Dade Community College and later devoted herself to the study of music theory, as well as music composition with Dennis Kam and classical piano with Rosalina Sackstein at the University of Miami. From 1986 to 2005, she was music director at Mother of Christ Catholic Church in Miami, Florida. Prior to this time, she served at St. Kevin Catholic Church in Miami as the director of music for youth and school liturgies. 

Lourdes has two collections of liturgical music. Her debut, De la Cruz a la Gloria (From the Cross to Glory), offers Spanish-language music for Lent and Easter. Her latest release, Blessed Be the Name of the Lord/Bendito Sea el Nombre del Señor, provides bilingual psalm settings of the verbatim Lectionary texts for Sundays and seasons throughout the year. Her liturgical music can be heard in many Spanish-speaking countries in South America as well as Spain. 

In addition to liturgical music, Lourdes has written collections of double bass music accompanied by piano published by David Heyes’ and has had performances of her work in England. She has also published music through St. Francis Music Publications in Florida. She is a passionate piano teacher who loves sharing her love of music with her students and has provided free lessons to students in need. One student, Gabriela Gomez, is now "paying it forward" by playing piano at St. Vincent's and performing with a local Mariachi group.

Lourdes's extensive experience as a pastoral musician and love of people makes her an excellent leader of workshops for Hispanic and bilingual parish communities. She has done presentations at both the national and international levels. Highlights include providing formational workshops in the Dominican Republic in 2005 and when Lourdes' song "Bienaventurados" was performed for Pope Benedict XVI at Mass at the National Stadium in Washington, DC, in 2008. This song, as well as "Con Estas Cenizas" were translated into English by Diana Macalintal for use in Breaking Bread and Today’s Missal Music Issue. Find Lourdes' "Con Estas Cenizas/With Ashes and Sorrow, O Lord" in the Spanish-language children's resource El Señor Nos Invita, Vol. 3.

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