A teacher at heart, Janet Vogt taps into 20 years of liturgical and teaching expertise to create music resources, many geared toward young people, used by teachers, religious education leaders, parish music directors and worship planner across the country.
- Age to Age
- All the Children Dance and Sing
- All the Ends of the Earth Shall Sing
- Alleluia
- Alleluia, Christ Is Born
- Amen
- Be the Hands, the Heart of God
- Bread of Compassion
- By the Star
- Celebrate Freedom
- Come to the Table of Love
- Dance, Miriam, Dance
- Encircle This Wreath
- Enter the Journey
- From a King to a King
- Gather at This Feast
- Get on the Boat
- Gifts for a King
- Gloria In Excelsis Deo
- Glory to God
- Glory, Hosanna
- God Is Calling Your Name
- God Shines on You
- God, Creator, God Most High
- Holy
- Holy Mary
- Holy Savior
- I Know You Are God
- In This Holy Place
- In This Reconciliation
- In the Silence of the Garden
- Jacob’s Ladder
- Jesus Christ Is Born
- Jesus, Savior, Master, Friend
- Jonah, What Will You Do
- Joseph's Coat
- Keep the Faith
- Lamb of God
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Let All the Earth Cry Out
- Let Us Go Rejoicing
- Let the Wind Blow
- Little Bethlehem
- Little Tiny Miracle
- Lord, You Have the Words/Your Words, Lord
- Mary’s Child
- O Come, Emmanuel
- Oh, How Lovely
- Our Father
- Our God Is Our God
- Penitential Act with Invocations (Lord, Have Mercy)
- Penitential Act: Dialogue
- Praise Him with Cymbals
- Reading 1 (Jacob's Ladder)
- Reading 2 (Joseph's Coat)
- Reading 3 (Dance, Miriam, Dance)
- Reading 4 (Oh, How Loevely)
- Rise Up with Him
- Saints of God
- Save Us, Savior
- Shepherd Song
- Sign Us with Ashes
- Silent, Holy Night
- Sing Alleluia (Christmas Verses)
- Sing Alleluia (Christmas and General Verses)
- Sing Alleluia (General Verses)
- Song of Mary
- Song of Salvation
- Song of the Star
- Spirit, Come Down
- Thank You, God
- These Are Our Gifts
- Walk On with Jesus
- We Are Yours, O Lord
- We Come As Servants
- We Praise You
- We Proclaim Your Death
- We Shall Be The Light
- We Shall Prepare
- When We Eat This Bread
- Who Shall Come to Worship Him
- Wonderful Counselor
Janet Vogt combines her extensive musical education with more than 20 years of liturgical and teaching expertise. She is a piano performance graduate of the University of Cincinnati conservatory of music, and has been a featured faculty member at the National Association of Pastoral Musicians Guitar School and the Music Ministry Series in Birmingham, Alabama, where she has taught voice, keyboard and ensemble skills. Janet is currently educational keyboard editor for the Lorenz Corporation in Dayton, Ohio, where she composes, arranges and edits music for piano students of all levels. She travels nationally, giving workshops on piano teaching techniques and repertoire, and serves as a music minister and liturgist at St. John Fisher Catholic Church in Cincinnati.
Janet is the composer, along with Mark Friedman, of several collections of music published by OCP. Their 2-CD set God Shines on You intertwines readings and dramatic stories are for use in liturgy, prayer services and classrooms throughout the liturgical year. Their collections Enter the Journey Volume I and II provide practical resources for teachers, religious education leaders, parish music directors and worship planners.
Janet lives in Cincinnati and has two sons, Jonathan and Alexander.