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Proclaim the Promise

Jaime Cortez, Benjamin Cortez, Daniel Cortez, Kari Magwire-Cortez, Nicolas Cortez

An uplifting tune from Jaime Cortez and family (Benjamin Cortez, Nicolas Cortez, Kari Magwire-Cortez and Daniel Cortez), "Proclaim the Promise" is the official theme song for RECongress 2021.

In loving memory of Mary Janus

Proclaim the Promise [MP3]
Proclaim the Promise [MP3]



Now is the time to proclaim the promise.

Now is the time to proclaim the promise.

Be not afraid ‘cause God is with us.

Now is the time to proclaim the promise.


Si no sabemos qué hacer

ni sabemos qué decir,

Dios nos guiará.

Dios nos da la fortaleza,

Dios nos cuidará.


Do not let a world divided

fill your heart with doubt.

God transforms the raging waters

into solid ground.



After the rain and after the clouds,

the rainbow is there to remind us.

After the rain and after the clouds,

the rainbow is there to remind us.



Now is the time to proclaim the promise.

Giờ này là lúc để tuyên xưng lời giao ước.

Be not afraid ‘cause God is with us.

Now is the time to proclaim the promise.



No tengan miedo, Dios nos guía,

vayan al mundo a proclamar.

Be not afraid 'cause God is with us,

now is the time, the time is now.


Song lyrics on are for personal use only, and may not be reproduced without an appropriate license. To learn more, or to obtain a license for these lyrics, please visit our reprint permissions page.