Paul Inwood is an internationally known composer and workshop presenter. Many of his compositions, including “Center of My Life,” have been published by OCP.
- Alleluia Fontium
- Alleluia to the End of Time
- Alleluia, We Will Listen
- Blessed Are Those Who Seek Your Face
- Blessing for Evening Prayer
- Center of My Life
- Christ Is My Faith, My Hope
- Christ Was of Old, Yet Christ Is of Today
- Come and Eat My Bread
- Come, Praise the Lord, the Almighty
- Come, Watch and Wait
- Consecration of the Chrism
- Deep in Our Hearts, O King
- Easter Glory Fills the Sky
- Evening Hymn / Phos Hilaron
- Evening Psalm
- Finger-Snap Alleluia
- For Us a Child Is Born
- Gabriel, to Mary Sent
- Give Praise to God with Music
- Glory to Christ Our King
- Glory, Glory
- Go and Tell
- Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord
- God Mounts His Throne
- Gospel Canticle: Magnificat
- Hail, Our Queen and Mother Blest
- Happy Are They
- Help Us to See
- Here, Lord, We Come to You
- Holy
- Holy Is God
- How Shall They Hear the Word of God
- I Am the Bread of Life
- I Am the Holy Vine
- I Believe in God the Father
- I Love the Lord
- I Will Praise You, Lord
- I Will Sing Forever of Your Love, O Lord
- I Will Thank the Lord in Joy and Sorrow
- Intercessions
- Jesus, Be with Us
- Keep Me Safe, O God
- King, from Our Hands Receive
- Litany for the Procession of Gifts
- Lord God, You Made Us for Yourself
- Love Is Long-Suffering, Love Is Kind
- May Flights of Angels Lead You on Your Way
- May God Give His Grace in Our Waking
- May We Be Christ in the World!
- Millennium Hymn
- Millennium Prayer
- New and Eternal Day
- Now Is the Promised Time
- O Blessed Are Those
- O Child of Promise, Come
- O My People
- O Praise, My Soul, the Lord
- O Sacred Heart, for All Once Broken
- Our Eyes Are Turned to the Lord
- Praise Him as He Mounts the Skies
- Prepare the Way
- Proclamation of Light
- Remember Your Mercy, Lord
- Remember Your Mercy, Lord
- Rite of Reception of the Blessed Oils
- Save Us, Savior
- Sing a New Song
- Sing to the Lord of All
- Sing with Joy
- Sing, All Creation
- Take Christ to the World
- The Lord Fills the Earth with His Love
- The Lord I Will Praise
- The Prayer of St. Francis
- To God Our Father, Sovereign Lord
- Today Is Born Our Savior
- Today Is Born Our Savior (Gospel Acclamation)
- Today Is Born Our Savior/Alleluia
- Wake from Your Sleep of Death
- We Are Your People
- We Place Our Lives in Your Hands
- We Praise Your Glorious Name
- We Proclaim Your Death
- We Shall Draw Water
- Wedding Acclamation
- When We Eat This Bread
- Where True Love Is Dwelling
- You, Lord, Have the Message
Paul Inwood is an internationally known composer and workshop presenter. He graduated summa cum laude from the Royal Academy of Music in London, England, and first worked as a liturgical book publisher’s desk editor and as an organist at several central London churches. His first organist appointment began in 1963 at the age of 16.
Paul then worked for 14 years as editor and music specialist at the St. Thomas More Centre for Pastoral Liturgy in London, at the same time serving five years as a cathedral organist, and another five years as a diocesan director of music. In 1982, he was director of music for the Papal Mass at Coventry Airport with Pope John Paul II, which gathered 375,000 people. Since 1976, he has been a member of Universa Laus, the international study group for liturgical music, and was a president from 1986 to 1994. In 1998, he was the only speaker from the English-speaking world invited to contribute to an international conference at the Vatican on papal liturgies for the millennium year 2000, and in 2017 was a speaker at another Vatican conference organized by the Pontifical Council for Culture.
From 1991 to 1995, he lived in Southern California, teaching in a seminary and working in parishes, but returned to England as cathedral and diocesan director of music for the Diocese of Portsmouth, England, where he was later also diocesan director of liturgy for 13 years. Since 2019, he has returned to the cathedral as “acting organist.”
Many of Paul’s compositions, including “Center of My Life,” were originally published in England by his imprint Magnificat Music, and re-published worldwide by OCP, starting with the St. Thomas More Group collections. Paul edited Hymns for All Seasons: The Complete Hymns of James Quinn, SJ (OCP, 2017), is the author of the hymn book Come, Praise the Lord, A Collection of James Quinn Hymns, released by OCP in 2018, and is a member of the Collegeville Composers Group responsible for the Psallite project. In 2009, Paul was named NPM Pastoral Musician of the Year. In 2015, he was the winner of an international competition for the official Vatican Hymn for the Holy Year of Mercy, sung and prayed in many languages by millions of Catholics around the world.
Paul has extensive liturgical knowledge and experience, dynamic musical skills, and a commitment to a wide range of styles in liturgy and liturgical music. He has written many commissioned works, and offers events exploring many aspects of music and liturgical ministry in the parish. In addition to his workshops, he is available for choir festivals.
Paul lives in England with his wife, Catherine Christmas, also an accomplished organist, cathedral music director and diocesan liturgy director.