Estela García-López is a pastoral musician, composer and event presenter. In both her career and her ministry, she is committed to enriching the liturgy—in both English and Spanish—through music.
- Acto Penitencial con Invocaciones/Penitential Act with Invocations
- Alabanza a Ti/Praise to You
- Alabanza a Ti/Praise to You
- Alabaré al Señor
- Aleluya No. 10
- Aleluya/Alleluia
- Aleluya/Alleluia
- Ama al Señor Tu Dios
- Amor
- Amén/Amen
- Amén/Amen
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte/We Proclaim Your Death
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte/We Proclaim Your Death
- Bendito Sea Dios
- Brille Tu Luz
- Cada Vez que Comemos/When We Eat This Bread
- Cada Vez que Comemos/When We Eat This Bread
- Cantaré
- Cordero de Dios/Lamb of God
- Cordero de Dios/Lamb of God
- Creo/I Believe
- Cristo Es el Pan Vivo
- Cristo No Tiene Pies en el Mundo
- Cristo, Sáname/Jesus, Heal Me
- El Espíritu de Dios Esta Sobre Mi- Me Ha Enviado para Anunciar Buenas Noticias a los Humildes
- El Pueblo Canta: ¡Aleluya!
- El Que Coma de Este Pan
- Fuego Divino
- Gloria al Padre, al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo. Al Dios que Es, que Era y que Ha de Venir
- Gloria/Glory to God
- Gloria/Glory to God
- Go Out to All the World and Tell the Good News
- Guíame, Señor
- Ha Resucitado Cristo, que Creó Todas las Cosas y Se Compadeció del Género Humano
- Himno: Dios de la Luz
- Juntos para Toda la Vida
- La Respuesta
- Le Canto Gloria
- Le Canto Gloria - Rap
- Litany of the Saints/Letanías de los Santos (Chanted/Canto Llano)
- Litany of the Saints/Letanías de los Santos (Metered/Ritmo medido)
- Love the Lord, Your God
- Luz para Iluminar a Todos los Pueblos y Gloria de tu Pueblo Israel
- María, Oh Dulce Virgen/María, O Blessed Virgin
- Open Our Eyes
- Padre Eterno, Perdóname
- Pange Lingua Gloriosi
- Por Tu Cruz/Save Us, Savior
- Por Tu Cruz/Save Us, Savior
- Qué Alegría Cuando Me Dijeron
- Rise Up! ¡Levántate!
- Salmo 33: Gusten y Vean/Psalm 34: Taste and See
- Salmo 65: Aclamen al Señor
- Salmos 114/115: Caminaré en Presencia del Señor
- Salvador del Mundo/Save Us, Savior
- Santo/Holy
- Santo/Holy
- Señor, Ten Piedad/Lord, Have Mercy
- Te Devuelvo el Alma
- Te Doy Gracias porque Me Has Escogido Portentosamente
- Te Seguiré
- Tierra Santa
- Tomaré Mi Cruz
- Tú Eres Grande
- Ustedes Brillan Como Estrellas en el Universo, porque Guardan la Palabra de Vida
- Vamos a Escuchar
- Vamos, Vamos
- You Are the Highest Honor of Our Race
- Él Es Santo
Estela García-López is a pastoral musician, composer and event presenter. She has worked in various bilingual parishes in Southern California and Oregon as a music director, choir director, cantor and chorister. She earned a bachelor of arts degree in music with an emphasis in voice from California State University, Los Angeles. Her voice is heard on many of the Flor y Canto recordings.
Estela’s debut collection, Brille Tu Luz, created in collaboration with her husband, Rodolfo, exudes their passion for evangelizing and challenging Hispanic communities to make a difference. The 12 Scripture-based songs feature a blend of contemporary and Latin styles. The two also collaborated on Misa Santa Cecilia/Mass of Saint Cecilia, the popular bilingual Mass setting used by multicultural parishes around the U.S. and featured in Flor y Canto and the Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ missal.
Their most recent collection, Cristo No Tiene Pies en el Mundo, offers an eclectic mix of eight songs that encourage us to live as examples of Christ's love. Her songs can be found in Spanish contemporary compilation albums Bendito, Bendito, with songs for praise and worship and Entre Tus Manos, with songs for comfort and healing. Both, Estela and Rodolfo, composed "Rise Up!/¡Levántate!," the bilingual theme song for the 2018 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. Her music is also featured in Novena a la Virgen de Guadalupe/Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
In both her career and her ministry, Estela is committed to enriching the liturgy – in both English and Spanish – through music. She offers workshops focused on music preparation for Spanish-speaking cantors and choirs.
Currently, she works as the Spanish-language music publishing manager at OCP and leads the choir at Ascension Catholic Church in Portland, Oregon. She lives in Portland with her husband and their two children.