Mary Frances is one of the grande dames of Hispanic music and ministry in the US. Known for her bilingual psalm settings, she remains active locally and nationally, working to ensure the ever-increasing role of Hispanics in the Church.
- A Toda la Tierra Alcanza Su Pregón
- Aclamación Antes del Evangelio
- Aclamación Conmemorativa I
- Aclamación Después del Bautismo/Acclamation Following Baptism
- Aclamación al Evangelio/Gospel Acclamation
- Aclamación al Evangelio/Gospel Acclamation
- Aclamemos al Señor
- Acto Penitencial con Invocaciones/Penitential Act with Invocations
- Acto Penitencial, Formulario 2
- Acto Penitencial, Formulario 3
- Alaba, Alma Mía, al Señor
- Alaba, Alma Mía, al Señor
- Alabanza a Ti, oh Cristo/Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ
- Aleluya (D minor)
- Amén
- Amén/Amen
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte #2
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte/We Proclaim Your Death
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte/We Proclaim Your Death
- Bendición
- Bendición Sacerdotal
- Cada Vez que Comemos
- Cada Vez que Comemos/When We Eat This Bread
- Cada Vez que Comemos/When We Eat This Bread
- Cantaré Eternamente
- Cantaré Eternamente/For Ever I Will Sing
- Cantaré Eternamente/For Ever I Will Sing
- Con Todos Los Que Te Aman/With All Those Who Love You
- Cordero de Dios
- Cordero de Dios/Lamb of God
- Cordero de Dios/Lamb of God
- Den Gracias al Señor porque Es Bueno
- Despedida
- Despedida de los Catecúmenos y Elegidos
- Dichoso El Que Teme al Señor
- Doxología y Amén
- El Correr de las Acequias Alegra la Ciudad de Dios, el Altísimo Consagra su Morada
- El Señor Llega para Regir la Tierra con Justicia
- El Árbol de la Cruz/Wood of the Cross
- Gloria
- Gloria/Glory to God
- Gloria/Glory to God
- Gracias, Señor, Es Nuestra Melodía
- Gusten y Vean/Taste and See
- Introducción al Prefacio
- La Misericordia del Señor/The Earth Is Full of the Goodness of the Lord
- Ojalá Escuchen Hoy la Voz del Señor (Salmo 94)
- Oración de los Fieles
- Padrenuestro
- Por Tu Cruz
- Por Tu Cruz/Save Us, Savior
- Por Tu Cruz/Save Us, Savior
- Preces para el Rito de Sepelio
- Qué Amable Es Tu Morada
- Reciban Su Alma
- Salmo 117: Aleluya/Psalm 118: Alleluia
- Salmo 22: El Señor Es Mi Pastor/Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
- Saludo
- Salvador Nuestro
- Salvador del Mundo
- Salvador del Mundo/Save Us, Savior
- Santo (G minor)
- Santo/Holy
- Santo/Holy
- Señor, Ten Piedad
- Señor, Ten Piedad/Lord, Have Mercy
- Señor, Tú Has Sido Nuestro Refugio
- Señor, Tú Tienes Palabras/Lord, You Have the Words
- Somos Su Pueblo/We Are His People
- Te Alabamos, Señor/We Praise You
- Te Den Gracias
- Te Ensalzaré, Señor/I Will Praise You, O Lord
- Te Ensalzaré/I Will Praise You
- This Body Will Be Given for You/Este Es Mi Cuerpo
- Tú Eres el Orgullo de Nuestra Raza
- Ustedes Sacarán Agua/You Will Draw Water Joyfully
- Ésta Es Nuestra Fe/This Is Our Faith
- Éste Es el Día en Que Actuó el Señor: Sea Nuestra Alegría y Nuestro Gozo
Mary Frances Reza is one of the most recognized and respected Hispanic composers in the US. For many years she has served in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico, as a pastoral musician, liturgist and teacher and in Hispanic ministry. The past director of the Office of Worship and Liturgical Music, she continues to serve the archdiocese as a consultant for the liturgical commission. She studied at ITESO, the Jesuit University of Guadalajara, Mexico, received her music degree from the University of Albuquerque, and earned her master’s in education from the University of New Mexico.
Best known for her bilingual settings of the psalms, Mary Frances has a gift for writing accessible melodies and authentic Latin styles and rhythms. Her latest CD, Gusten y Vean/Taste and See, includes recordings of eight bilingual psalms as well as Misa Santa Fe, her bilingual Mass setting. The Mass is also featured in Breaking Bread and Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ. Her psalms also appear in Cantaré Eternamente/For Ever I Will Sing.
Mary Frances offers workshops focused on developing relationships within bilingual parish communities.
She is currently secretary and mountain states representative on the executive board of the Institute of Hispanic Liturgy and is a member of the Southwest Liturgical Conference (SWLC) board. She and her husband live in Albuquerque and Taos, New Mexico.