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alternate language

El Señor Nos Invita

By Various artists

El Señor Nos Invita

Songs for the classroom and the liturgy that allow Hispanic children to pray, worship and learn the faith in the context of "their own language" and culture.
El Señor Nos Invita [Assembly Edition]
Cantos para los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y Primera Comunión
El Señor Nos Invita [CD]
Cantos para los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y Primera Comunión
El Señor Nos Invita, Vol. 1 [MP3 Album]
Vol. 1; Cantos para los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y Primera Comunión
El Señor Nos Invita [Keyboard / Guitar Accompaniment]
Cantos para los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y Primera Comunión
El Señor Nos Invita [Assembly Edition]
Cantos para los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y Primera Comunión
El Señor Nos Invita [CD]
Cantos para los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y Primera Comunión
El Señor Nos Invita, Vol. 1 [MP3 Album]
Vol. 1; Cantos para los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y Primera Comunión
El Señor Nos Invita [Keyboard / Guitar Accompaniment]
Cantos para los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y Primera Comunión
El Señor Nos Invita [Keyboard / Guitar Accompaniment]
Cantos para los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y Primera Comunión

Created in line with the National Directory for Catechesis, El Señor Nos Invita (The Lord Invites Us) provides 15 new songs in Spanish for First Eucharist and first reconciliation. Volume one in a series, it's part of a long-term effort by OCP to expand the repertoire of music in Spanish for Masses with children.

Singing these songs in the classroom and in the liturgy, Hispanic children can pray, worship and learn the faith in the context of "their own language" and culture.

Designed for ages 6–10, the collection includes songs for May crowning and other celebrations honoring Mary. An excellent learning, rehearsal and accompaniment tool (outside liturgy), the CD features exceptional children's choirs. In addition to music, the children's songbook features images for children to color.

The songs are fun, upbeat, and easy-to-learn. Combining contemporary styles and Latin rhythms, they include both group singing opportunities and solo parts for more advanced students. The lyrics present the truths of our faith in ways children can understand.

Concerned about the current and future needs of Spanish-speaking children, many composers responded passionately to this project. Diego Correa, Jaime Cortez, Santiago Fernández, Mariano Fuertes, Estela García-López, Pablo Martínez and Lourdes Montgomery all contributed new material.

At First Eucharist and reconciliation, the Lord invites us to enter a more intimate, mature and sacramental relationship with him. Thanks to El Señor Nos Invita, Hispanic children can hear the invitation in a familiar language—and embrace it! It's a godsend for the parishes, Catholic schools and catechetical programs that serve them.