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Love Never Fails

Brighten up your day with refreshing and fun contemporary music that touches on important themes such as social justice and relationships.
Love Never Fails [CD]
Love Never Fails [Guitar Songbook]
Love Never Fails [CD]
Love Never Fails [Guitar Songbook]

Best-known for Mass of Glory, Love Never Fails and his insightful blogs and podcasts on spiritandsong.com, Ken Canedo is a contemporary Catholic music pioneer. But Ken is also a man of balance, with a heart for tradition and unity within the Church. His collection, Doxology, features six contemporary and six traditional-style songs, many in honor of the Trinity.

Inspired by their long-standing friendship, their appreciation for young people and their desire to serve God and the Church through music, Ken and Jesse joined forces to release Love Never Fails, their first collaborative collection. Only good friends could have produced such poignant and exhilarating music about relationships and the love that endures all things.

Love Never Fails addresses social justice, conversion and other themes, but focuses especially on relationships: with God, parents, friends and the world around us. They've obviously given their posse of backup musicians the instructions, "don't hold back." This album moves and shakes with great pop, rock and reggae numbers, like Ken and the Wild Boys grinding it out on "Mountain of God" and Jesse throwing down a super-charged rap in "MC God."

The collection includes music appropriate for gathering, Communion, responsorial psalms, weddings and confirmation liturgies. The songbook includes guitar accompaniment and vocals with all available harmony parts. Full keyboard parts are available in the manuscript edition.